Quotes about life have been one of the most influential guidance tools for leaders and Citizens of the world. The knowledge and wisdom passed through these quotes are truly great; and we must appreciate their greatness, because at times they are the one's who lead us towards the light when all seems lost. Not only that we can look at these quotes as a way of life; a lifestyle that follows the ideologies and philosophies of the most spiritual and brilliant minds in human history. If religion is Opium, then Quotes about life can be a guiding philosophy for a better future. Consequently, these Quotes about life also remind us of what we have forgotten. To live life in a simple way. As French philosopher and scholar Jean Jacques Rousseau once said "All beings live long when they live in their natural states." Or simply, we can survive better if we live in a more environmentally friendly manner or a manner which is in a state of equilibrium with nature and its resources.